Five years in the Netherlands & what a journey it’s been.
I remember sitting on the floor next to my Mac in an empty room thinking how will I ever rebuild what I had in South Africa. There were many, many tears. Emigrating is still one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, yet it taught me so much and I am a better person for it.
Every year, before the busy photography season starts, I share a few of my best/favourite images from the previous year. I am grateful for another year of capturing fun and crazy moments with so many amazing people. Most days I come home completely exhausted, but with such a full and happy heart. I know my work is not for everyone. I know there are so many who are so much better than me. I can only do me and I encourage you to do you!
Don’t be scared and don’t give up on your dream. Find the strength to just show up, there is space for you! It doesn’t matter how many people there are that do what you do, you still have a unique voice that can add value.
Thank you to every person who trusted me to capture these precious memories, I am very grateful that I get to do this for another year! I just love meeting people, listening to their stories and capturing their magic. These past two and half years and all it’s challenges just reminded me how fragile life is and how precious time is.
This quote: “Sometimes the bravest, most important thing you can do is just show up.” - Brene Brown
Ready for another year of capturing those crazy, precious moments!